<aside> 👋 Welcome to our virtual space for the Group Seminar 2023! Here you can find out more about our Lean Startup Methodology, what to do after planting your idea and how you can contact us if you believe you’re ready for your leap into innovation.


Table of Contents:

📍 About The Greenhouse

A nurturing ecosystem of innovation, bold entrepreneurship and disruption. We build value through two distinct pillars, The Startup Studio, and Programs:

Startup Studio

We build high-growth startups and invest in bold founders using our proven frameworks to create everlasting value.


We Inject innovation at the core of businesses through tailor-made programs using our lean methodologies to drive transformative growth.

👩‍🎨 Rediscover The Innovator Personas

After exploring your Innovator Persona at Group Seminar, you now know which type of innovator you are. Each persona has unique strengths. Entrepreneurial profiles are as diverse as the individuals who embody them. Learning more about the kind of persona you are can help you better navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and lead you to success.

Visionary Entrepreneur | 🎬

Innovation Catalyst

Experimental Entrepreneur

Hustlin’ Entrepreneur

💡Our Startup Methodology

Our startup methodology is an approach to entrepreneurship that emphasizes rapid experimentation and the use of data to guide decision-making. The goal is to create a business model that is both sustainable and scalable by continuously testing and iterating on ideas. This approach is particularly useful for founders, as it allows them to validate their assumptions and minimize risk while also maximizing their chances of success. Dive deeper into each step of our approach:

<aside> 🔍 (1) Explore: Problems are all around you, use our Problem Identification Canvas to place problems by frequency that it is experienced by and the level of friction that is causes.


<aside> 💭 (2) Ideate: It is through ideation that solutions are matched to the right problem to drive transformative growth. Use our Solution Identification Canvas to place your ideas by desirability and indispensability.


<aside> 🚀 (3) Launch: This step is crucial for turning innovation into a reality. Use our Lean Business Model Canvas to develop your solution further and take action.


⚙️ Feeling Inspired? Start here!